No one gives a rat's ass about you or your brand.

My New Keynote About the Power of Loyalty Can Fix That.


Loyalty is the New Currency

Vivendi recently reported that a whopping 77% of brands could disappear tomorrow and no one would care. Customer disloyalty is the new normal.

How can you and your business gain and retain new clients, customers, and even employees in this uncertain, post-pandemic world? (Without using fear and intimidation like the Mafia?)

The answer is loyalty.

And the proof comes from an unlikely source: The Godfather.

Using stories from my own upbringing in the "mob's backyard," along with memorable examples from The Godfather novel and movies, I'll show you how loyalty is the new currency, and how you can use lessons from The Godfather and the Mafia's "Code of Honor" to create fiercely loyal customers and employees who "can't refuse" your offers!

Loyalty is the New Currency.

An Engaging, 45-Minute Keynote About
Leveraging Loyalty to Build Profitable
Relationships and Gain Lifelong Customers.


See what business owners are saying about Lou Bortone...

About this keynote:

There's an Italian proverb that says that “Friendship is a plant that must be watered often.” And Cicero said, "Nothing is more noble and more venerable, than loyalty."

What if we take this "lost virtue " of loyalty and make it part of our businesses, our communities and our families? In this unique and entertaining keynote, I'll share
leadership lessons from The Godfather saga, along with:

  • How to use "The Mafia Code" for better business.
  • What The Godfather got right about management.
  • Using loyalty to create happier employees and lifelong customers and clients.


Listen to "Take the Cannoli: The Godfather Podcast" on iHeart Radio